Saturday 20 June 2009

It's Official!

It's official - the Frenchman, David, who has been staying with us this past week has declared that "York is a very romantic city". When a Frenchman says it's romantic - who would NOT believe him?!

I have to agree, I think York is a very romantic city too.

What makes York romantic? It could be that it is an intimate city with cobblestoned streets and snickelways (little alleyways that take you from one street to the next) where you can meander from shop to shop. Could it be the beautiful architecture from the medieval "Shambles" and Georgian houses to the impressive Victorian buildings or the majestic York Minster? Even the Aviva building constructed in the 1980s is a beautiful piece of modern architecture - I think Prince Charles would even approve! Or maybe it's the wine bars and restaurants. Or possibly a combination of it all that creates a lovely atmosphere of charm.
What I will say is York is NOT a pretentious city - it is a city for everyone from country folk to urban dwellers, people from all walks of life cannot help but fall in love with it. Maybe that is what makes it romantic.

1 comment:

  1. I insist AND CONFIRM : York is a very nice city with lot of charm.Romantic lovers over the world, let's come to York !!! A mix between the history of England, monuments (Cathedral and wall of york and so on)The city of 1,000 restaurants and pubs.
    York is really cosmopolitan !!! People are very friendly. David the french ;-))
    Specially the hodgson's family.They are simple, interesting and kindly.I was very well received.
    A tous les français qui viendront sur ce site internet, n'hésitez pas à venir à York. Réservez un appartement à la famille Hodgson, vous ne le regretterez pas.Le raffinement anglais mêlé à la modernité et au design vous enchanteront L'accueil est très convivial
    I will come back soon
